币安自动交易机器人 Binance Auto Trading Bot

全天候运行的智能交易系统,为您在币安平台上实现自动化高频交易 24/7 intelligent trading system for automated high-frequency trading on Binance platform

开始使用 Get Started 了解更多 Learn More

视频介绍 Video Introduction

观看我们的基于币安易所API自动交易机器人运作原理和介绍 Watch our introduction to the Binance API-based automated trading bot and its working principles

如何开始 How to Start

Trading Demo

部署上线计划 Deployment Plan

专属客服进行资金配置,了解预期,制定盈利计划 Dedicated customer service for fund configuration, understanding expectations, and establishing profit plans

Monitoring Demo

实时监控操作表现 Real-time Performance Monitoring

随时查看交易状态,持仓,让你和常规逻辑区分开 Monitor trading status and positions anytime, distinguishing from conventional trading logic

Strategy Demo

策略优化 Strategy Optimization

基于历史数据,不断优化交易策略 Continuously optimize trading strategies based on historical data

如何进行配置 How to Setup

Create Sub-account

1. 建立子账户 1. Create Sub-account

Configure API

2. 配置API 2. Configure API

Authorize IP and Contracts

3. 授权IP和合约 3. Authorize IP and Contracts

Deposit Initial Funds

4. 存入启动资金 4. Deposit Initial Funds

Launch Project

5. 启动项目 5. Launch Project

价格方案 Pricing Plans

尝鲜版 Trial Version

30 USDT /月 /month
  • 一个30天AWS云交易服务器 One 30-day AWS cloud trading server
  • 单用户账号允许一个主号进行合约交易 Single user account allows one main account for futures trading
  • 用户不需要干预,全自动进行开平仓 No user intervention needed, fully automated trading
  • 固定杠杆,用户保证金不可调 Fixed leverage, margin cannot be adjusted
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单用户版 Single User Version

1000 USDT /年 /year
  • 一个365天AWS云交易服务器 One 365-day AWS cloud trading server
  • 单用户账号允许一个主号进行合约交易 Single user account allows one main account for futures trading
  • 用户不需要干预,全自动进行开平仓 No user intervention needed, fully automated trading
  • 固定杠杆,用户保证金不可调 Fixed leverage, margin cannot be adjusted
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多用户版 Multi-User Version

6000 USDT /年 /year
  • 六个365天AWS云交易服务器 Six 365-day AWS cloud trading servers
  • 多用户账号允许一个主号和5个子账户进行合约交易 Multi-user account allows one main account and 5 sub-accounts for futures trading
  • 用户不需要干预,全自动进行开平仓 No user intervention needed, fully automated trading
  • 固定杠杆,用户保证金和准备金不可调 Fixed leverage, margin and reserve cannot be adjusted
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定制版 Custom Version

需资金大于1MUSDT Requires funds over 1M USDT
  • 交易机构同步的交易策略 Trading strategies synchronized with institutions
  • 灵活的账户配置,无限子账户 Flexible account configuration, unlimited sub-accounts
  • 优先技术支持,盈利5:5 Priority technical support, 50/50 profit sharing
  • 高级数据分析和报告 Advanced data analysis and reporting
  • 个性化功能延展,自动归集资金,自动维护账户平衡 Customized features, automatic fund collection, automatic account balance maintenance
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常见问题 FAQ

交易服务器是什么? What is a trading server?
由于高频量化交易需要极低的延时,我们一般采用AWS,GOOGLE等云厂商的VPS,与API.BINANCE.COM全机房的通讯一般低于10MS。这个费用包含在用户套餐和服务周期里面,由于这些服务器处于世界各地,用户会向我们提出能否用于NAT服务或者socket服务,这是不被支持的,因为通过代理访问可能会导致这些服务器IP被墙。后期可能会开放MTProxy的应方案,但仅限接收消息提醒。 Due to the extremely low latency requirements of high-frequency quantitative trading, we typically use VPS from cloud providers like AWS and Google, with communication latency to API.BINANCE.COM global data centers generally below 10MS. This cost is included in the user package and service period. Since these servers are located worldwide, users often ask about using them for NAT or socket services, which is not supported as proxy access may lead to IP blocking. MTProxy applications may be supported later, but only for receiving message notifications.
交易机器人支持哪些交易对? Which trading pairs does the bot support?
我们的机器人支持币安平台上所有主流的加密货币交易对,对于有风险的交易对比下架,调整,我们将会屏蔽它的交易。同时对于新币种,他会有考核期,达到系统判定的执行交易标准后,会自动加入列表进行交易。如果用户查看交易记录后发现些币种没有进行交易,并不是没有认识它,而是系统的判定它达不到交易标准而忽略。 Our bot supports all mainstream cryptocurrency trading pairs on Binance. For risky pairs such as those being delisted or adjusted, we will block their trading. New coins have an evaluation period and will be automatically added to the trading list after meeting system trading standards. If users find some coins not being traded in the records, it's not because the system doesn't recognize them, but because they don't meet our trading criteria.
如何监控机器人的交易表现? How to monitor the bot's trading performance?
由于我们采用Binance的API进行交易,我们所有的交易,开仓,平仓都能在币安的客户端清晰的看见。这些操作币安提供完整的记录,包括开仓时间,仓位,数量,止盈,止损。我们不再单独的提供消息接口向你反复的汇报进程和记录日志。所有通过API执行的操作会在后台一一记录。如果有异议产生,请记录时间,和交易对,联系客服进行咨询。特殊声明:由于是高频操作,一些用户会对利润或者止损提出质疑,为什么只有10%利润就平仓,后面盈利如何如何的高,和为什么一些单子明明可以抗单的为什么不扛单,要去止损等纠结的问题,我们是不作回复的。对于高频的使用思维就是存1000USDT进去,每天有分之多少利润,大于1000USDT,就随时C2C卖出。这才是正确的使用方法。 Since we use Binance's API for trading, all our trades, positions opened and closed can be clearly seen in the Binance client. Binance provides complete records including opening time, position, quantity, take profit, and stop loss. We don't provide separate message interfaces for progress reports and logs. All API operations are recorded in the backend. If there are disputes, please note the time and trading pair, then contact customer service. Special note: Due to high-frequency operations, we don't respond to questions about why we close positions at 10% profit when higher profits might follow, or why we don't hold positions that could potentially recover. The correct mindset for high-frequency trading is to deposit 1000 USDT, focus on daily percentage gains, and C2C sell when profits exceed 1000 USDT.
是否提供技术支持? Do you provide technical support?
是的,我们提供全天候技术支持。您可以通过在线客服或Telegram和电子邮件获得及时的帮助。 Yes, we provide 24/7 technical support. You can get immediate assistance through online customer service, Telegram, or email.
如何保证资金安全? How is fund security guaranteed?
因为我们的运行是你在Binance平台进行API合约交易授权,我们不会牵涉你的划转,提现等任何资金移动的操作,所以说理论上我们不会对你的资金安全造成影响。 Since our operation is based on API futures trading authorization on the Binance platform, we don't involve any fund transfers, withdrawals, or any other fund movement operations. Therefore, theoretically, we won't affect your fund security.
为什么交易机器人停止了? Why did the trading bot stop?
有用户反应,之前收益和仓位都能看见变化,但是最近几天就看不见了。这可能是你的保证金你进行了超额的处理,普通用户我们要它的保证金一般是1000usdt以上,程序会开始自动运行,当发现保证金低于1000usdt后,程序认为资金不足,将不再进行后续操作。为了排除因为资金费率等其他因素的影响,请你账户基础保证金大于我们要求的数值,如果在划转过程中误操作导致保证金变动,而导致的爆仓,与程序错误,我们是可以通过调取binance历史记录进行问题的查找和责任的判定的。 Some users report that they could previously see changes in profits and positions, but not in recent days. This might be because your margin has been over-processed. For regular users, we require a margin of generally above 1000 USDT for the program to run automatically. When the margin falls below 1000 USDT, the program considers it insufficient funds and stops further operations. To exclude the influence of funding rates and other factors, please ensure your account's base margin is above our required value. If margin changes due to transfer errors lead to liquidation, we can investigate the issue and determine responsibility through Binance historical records.
为什么收益变低了? Why did the profits decrease?
首先在市场剧烈波动时候,或者市场趋于平静的时候,这是很容易反应在盘面上的,一些易对可以连续很久在一个区间来回震荡,我们不会提高杠杆去迎合它的低价值波动,这类交易对很容易被binance判定为下架的对象,我们会埋伏和跟随,但是不会去迎合它。在市场区域平静时候,请耐心等待。 During periods of intense market volatility or when markets are calm, this is easily reflected in the trading performance. Some trading pairs may oscillate within a range for extended periods. We won't increase leverage to accommodate low-value fluctuations, as such pairs are likely to be delisted by Binance. We will monitor and follow, but won't accommodate them. During calm market periods, please be patient.
为什么我的子账户收益有高有低? Why do my sub-account profits vary?
我们程序的开仓逻辑是有区别的,并不是单是在关键位,二三类买卖点,或者分型,x浪等位置进行统一交易。每个账户都有自己独立的逻辑和延时,比如在20:30这类消息日有些账户就会跟随,有些就不会跟随。种差异就导致每个账户的入场有差异,加上市价的影响你就会看见不一的结果。 Our program's opening logic is different, not just at key levels, second-third order points, or fractal, x-wave positions. Each account has its own independent logic and delay. For example, some accounts may follow at 20:30, while others may not. This difference leads to different entry points for each account, and due to market price fluctuations, you will see different results.
程序执行的是什么逻辑? What logic does the program execute?
既然在销售这个服务,问的最多的就是这个问题。我们不会避讳这个问题,目前团队的开发,逻辑,模型,都是来自于目前这个行业的。他们不会有名字或者是介绍。于只会技术参数,各种论,各种浪,各种行为的方法,我们不作评价,因为这个市场结果只有涨和跌,街边随便找一条狗看他向左向右预测涨跌,讨论这些是无意义的,没有一个方法是在变化莫测的市场中能完胜。盈利的核心逻辑就是执行和心态,这点机器人就能完胜,它没有感情,没有恐惧,严格执行计划,我们程序运行以后,你将不再进行盯盘,喜怒无常,每天只需要看盈利就行了。 Since we are selling this service, the most frequently asked question is this one. We won't shy away from this question. The development, logic, model, of our team are all from the current industry. They won't have names or introductions. For those who only know technical parameters, various theories, various waves, various behaviors, we don't make judgments, because the market result is only up or down. It's meaningless to discuss these on the street. There is no method that can always win in a market that is unpredictable.
爆仓了怎么办? What if the position is liquidated?
在开发和使用过程中,我们碰到过爆仓,排除了程序的故障,通常这些异常行为都是客观造成的,如在观看仓位时候,不小心执行了逆向买入,点击了一键平仓等误操作。这些都是可以在binance资金流水,委托历等日志里面能看的。如果发生这样的情况,请及联系我们进行责任的判定,如果想获得赔付,请购买用户保障计划。 During the development and use process, we have encountered liquidation. After excluding the program's faults, these abnormal behaviors are usually due to objective factors, such as accidentally executing a reverse buy or clicking one-click close during position monitoring. These can be seen in the Binance transaction history and order history logs. If this happens, please contact us immediately for responsibility determination. If you want compensation, please purchase the user protection plan.
用户保障计划是什么? What is the user protection plan?
这是我们针对用户提出的一个保证措施,因为牵涉的伦理道德,责任义务,守约履约等因素太多。用户首先就会问你拿什么保证,你怎么保证,你的资质,你的赔付措施等问题。这里给大家说一下我们的考虑,这只是针对单用户版本提出的。因为很多用户,第一次来的时候他对这个平台服务是报怀疑的态度,一连串问题就来了,每个用户我们需要花大量时间去做介绍。我们能理解,但是对于新物种,我们有自信,我们必须大胆的自荐:现在到2025年1月1日对于购买单用户版本的用户,加500USDT,我们提一次爆仓或者损失赔付,当投入资金翻倍自动失效。我们来给你推演一下过程,比如用户花1000USDT购买我们的服务,和保障服务500USDT,共计1500USDT。当日程序开始运行,并充值1000USDT到自己的币安账户,如果发生爆仓(用户误操作不赔付),我们赔付用户1000USDT,如果账户变成2000USDT,我们保障服务自动失效,具体请咨询客服。 This is our guarantee measure for users. Due to the ethical, legal, and contractual issues involved, users first ask you what guarantee you have. How do you guarantee it? Your qualifications, your compensation measures, etc. Here, we'll explain our considerations. This is only for the single-user version. Because many users are skeptical about the platform's services when they first come, a series of questions arise. We understand, but for new species, we are confident. We must boldly self-recommend: For users who purchase the single-user version before January 1, 2025, we will provide one liquidation or loss compensation. If the investment doubles, the guarantee will automatically expire. Let's go through the process. For example, if a user spends 1000 USDT on our service and guarantees 500 USDT, a total of 1500 USDT. When the program starts running and deposits 1000 USDT into your Binance account, if there is a liquidation (user error not compensated), we will compensate the user 1000 USDT. If the account becomes 2000 USDT, the guarantee will automatically expire. Please consult customer service for details.
定制版的大客户计划是什么? What is the large customer plan for the customized version?
对于超级金用户,我们提供线下一对一服务,我们提供更为高效的服务与逻辑。可以很多种方式合作。一种是对于资方提供资金的我们5:5分润,二是对于资方提供资金的并要求担保的我们8:2分润。体点数模式,无限连带质押等都可谈。 For super-funded users, we provide one-on-one offline services. We provide more efficient services and logic. We can cooperate in many ways. One is for the funder providing funds, we share 50% of the profits. The other is for the funder providing funds and requiring a guarantee, we share 80% of the profits. We can discuss specific points, models, unlimited joint pledge, etc.

广告计划 Advertising Program

我们正在寻找合作伙伴来推广我们的自动交易机器人服务。如果您有兴趣成为我们的推广大使,或者成为团队长享受管道收益,请联系我们了解更多详情。 We are looking for partners to promote our automated trading bot service. If you're interested in becoming our promotion ambassador or team leader to enjoy channel revenue, please contact us for more details.

成为推广大使 Become an Ambassador

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